
About the Government Innovation Competition

The Government Innovation Competition aims to stimulate creativity and innovation among the government sector employees and provide them with the opportunity to compete in making effective proposals to develop government performance.

The Government Innovation Competition
Bahrain Vision 2030

Submission Criteria:

  • Applications can be submitted as individuals or as a team (up to four individuals) in the government sector
  • Participants should aim to develop government services or improve government performance

Completion Timeline:

  • Submission Phase

    Receiving submissions electronically

  • Evaluation Phase

    Reviewing the proposals by the evaluation committees and enrolling the candidates to intensive training on ideas pitching and presentation skills

  • Presentation Phase

    Presenting projects to a committee of ministers

  • Coordination and Approval Phase

    Coordinating with the relevant government authorities for the final approvals

  • Implementing the proposed projects

Thank you for your interest in applying for the Government Innovation Competition.
We are no longer accepting applications for the competition.

Last Update: 28 December 2022
